Tuesday night no date

Dear friend,
How are you tonight? I am nat well am taking a bad cold ( would take a good one but
they are out of them). have two large fever blisters on my lips, you can guess how I feel
and you know how I look. Did you hear of my good luck? Got a car in Cummings to bring
me all the way. Got here by 12:30 did nat think I could stay but am liking better today.
Think if I had all my good friends from up there where I could see them or call them up I
would be better satisfied, I would like to see you and if it was nat that there is so many of
A.E.S. kinfolks live here you could come. E. is working away from home wont come in till
Saturday night. I thought you might be in Cumming as I came through but did nat see you.
I wanted to call you up but did nat have time as there is so many you love I guess I better
nat bother you any further. Mrs. W. never said a word about me being in your life. I
thought she was going too one time but she did nat. I am wondering if you feel as lonely
as I do. I dont see how I can stay here. I dont want to marry and I cant get along without a
home so what will I do. If I had more money I could do different and know I would nat
have to spend it in law. Have you heard anything since I left? How is all your folks? Tell
me everything. How did you enjoy Sunday night? What did you think of my new sis dont
you think her pretty. If I looked as good I could nat blame you far being as you say. C.L.
left Sunday P.M. and nat Monday as he said. When you see him write me all he says. And
if you think best we will change far I cant pay out so m much cost. and so much worry is
going to kill me. Seems like I slept 10 or 15 m__ sun night cant you see how bad I look?
How did your girl look that you was going to see? I guess you have seen her befare now.
Did you go hunting last night. I have been with Tom Greyham’s wife this evening she
helped me wash. There is lots of black ones. I must close and go to bed. Hope you are well
and happy. write me all the news and be good till I see you if never on earth again meet me
in heaven where troubles never come and partings are no more.

your faithful and lonely friend Abiline

November 1,1916
 November 26,1916
December 3,1916
 December 15,1916
December 25,1916
January 11,1917
January 12,1917
January 14,1917
January 21,1917
January 29,1917
April 30, 1917
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