Do you have extra cash or Jewelry that you need to have secured. Why not purchase a safe to protect your items. We have safes on display, which range from different sizes and types.
Never spin your safe dial.
This can knock the wheels out of alignment and requires your safe to be drilled open
Safes are an important part of saving your valuables. However, it is important that you chose the right type for your needs. A burglary safe is made ONLY to protect from outside attack for a specific amount of time. They will not protect the interior contents from a fire. As the following photo's will show, some customers have made the wrong choice for protecting their valuables.
December 2008
This house smoldered for 3 hours, the first 30 minutes, the heat was at 2000 degrees
The following pictures that you will see are the results of not having the proper safes to protect your items.
This safe below is a fire resistant safe. It is not manufactured for anything but fire protection. It took burglars 8 minutes total to enter the large building, locate the safe, and steal 23 thousand dollars.
Making the wrong SAFE choice can be devastating for you or your business.
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